Welcome to Grannycords!
We create unique handmade jewellery chains and cords of high quality for glasses and sunglasses
from our workshop in Oslo, Norway.
Grannycords turns a functional accessory glamorous and keeps your eyewear safe when
not in use. Our designs are made to frame the face with subtle or bold statements, and to
complement your choice of glasses or sunglasses.
By making every piece by hand using high precious materials such as pearls, crystals, stones
and gemstones, we ensure that every Grannycord is special. All products are original,
made carefully by hand the traditional way real pearl necklaces are made, and finished with
custom made silver details and our Grannycords™ silver tag. With our silver anchor tag,
you can also turn the Grannycord into a necklace or a wristband!
Grannycords were inspired from shifting through Grandma's cabinet looking for treasures.
A bright idea turned an old invention into handcrafted jewellery, so that it one day can
become a treasure of it's own.
Classic, crazy or both, we'll create a Grannycord to supplement your style. You can choose
from our collections or order custom made. Whatever your personality is, there's a
Grannycord perfect for you.
We love our product! It's totally gorgeous!

Grannycords was founded and created by Marit Kjærstad and her partner
Torstein Knutson in 2011. All Grannycords are made by Marit in our silversmith
and design workshop in Oslo, Norway.
Grannycords er unike brillesnorer/brillelenker, laget for hånd i materialer
av høy kvalitet som stein, krystaller perler og sølv. Vi holder til i et gullsmedverksted
sentralt i Oslo, og tar imot bestillinger via hjemmesiden (SHOP) eller Facebook.
Vi tar gjerne imot besøk i verkstedet på Egertorget i Oslo, men må avtales på forhånd.
Kontakt oss på: hello@grannycords.com.